How To Winterize Your Well In Florida

How To Winterize Your Well In Florida

Even though Florida is known for its tropical weather, residents know that temperatures can get downright frigid in the winter, depending on where you live. Water is the most susceptible, as it can burst and contaminate your well water. Protect your well this winter by following our well water winterization tips.  

Whether it’s water testing and treatment or new well drilling, the well water experts at North Florida Water Systems Inc can help! Don’t wait — schedule an appointment today!

Insulate The Pipes

You should insulate any exposed piping to ensure that the water inside doesn’t freeze and burst the pipe. Frozen water pipes can be messy and expensive to fix, so it pays to be proactive about insulation. Insulation can be as fancy or DIY as you want by using either foam pipe insulation or any thick fabric available, such as an old sweatshirt or sweatpants. If using fabric, just double wrap the pipes for the best insulation. You can also use heat or thermal tape to add an extra bit of protection around joints that are more vulnerable to the cold. 

Keep The Pump Warm

Like the pipes, winter can severely damage the pump if water freezes inside it. Unfortunately, you can’t insulate it like the pipes, so you’ll need to purchase and install an insulated pump enclosure. During your pump maintenance, you can discuss your options. While the enclosure can go a long way in protecting the pump, you should also consider installing a heat lamp in the well house for added warmth.

Cover Shallow Wells

While most wells are deep enough to be safe from freezing, be sure to cover it before winter sets in if you have a shallow well. A certified well water technician will be able to help you determine the depth of your well, whether or not you should cover it, and what type of cover to use. If you use the water from your well in your home, we suggest covering it regardless to prevent contamination.

Drain Pipes Before Vacationing

If you’re gone during the winter, it’s suggested to drain your pipes in advance to avoid any surprise freezes. To drain your pipes, simply turn off the water supply to the house, turn on all of the taps to allow drainage, and turn off the power to the pump. If you have a shallow well with a jet pump, disconnect the water feed lines and allow the water to drain into a bucket. Do not just let the water flow on the ground as it could freeze and cause issues with your well casing.

What To Do If Your Well Freezes

If you turn your faucet on and no water comes out after a freezing night, your pipes are probably frozen. Before trying to thaw them, turn off the water main so there won’t be any leaks. Locate where you believe the pipe or water line is frozen and use a hair dryer to attempt to thaw it. Be careful not to get the hairdryer wet and ensure that any extension cords are off the ground where thawed water could create electrical hazards. Attempting to thaw a pipe may take over an hour, so be prepared to wait. Once you’ve thawed the pipe, turn the water back on, run your faucets, and check for leaks.