Water Conservation Tips

Water Conservation Tips

Some homeowners might be unaware of how much water they use on a daily basis. While most people know that water can be used for everything from bathing and showering to washing dishes and clothing, the amount of water required to do so might surprise them. The average American household, for example, uses around 400 gallons of water every day. Fortunately, with just a few habit changes and simple tweaks around the house, this number could be significantly lowered.

Water conservation is key to ensuring we make the most out of our finite supply of clean water. Out of the 70 percent of all water available on earth, only 0.03 percent is freshwater. However, with increased pollution taking a heavy toll on the environment, this number could be even lower. With this in mind, now is the time for homeowners to find ways to conserve water.

Take initiative in protecting the environment and lower your utility bills with these water-conservation tips from North Florida Water Systems Inc. Contact us today to learn more about all the water well services we offer and to schedule well pump services.

Consider Water Treatment

Homeowners shouldn’t have to worry about purchasing bottled water or spending money on an expensive water filter. Our water treatment services are designed to improve the taste and health benefits of your water while saving you the hassle and cost of purchasing bottled water and changing the water filter. Because water quality varies by region, we offer a range of treatment systems designed for all types of homes in North Florida.

Take Shorter Showers

We all love a nice, long and hot shower to relax, but prolonged showers translate into high amounts of wasted water. The issue gets worse with outdated showerheads, which can use up to five gallons of water per minute. On the other hand, newer, updated showerheads only use two and a half gallons a minute. To help you keep track of your shower time, try using a kitchen timer and aim for five minutes or less in the shower.

Be Mindful In The Kitchen

If you enjoy hand washing dishes over using the dishwasher, fill one side of the sink with soapy water and rinse using the other side. Don’t let the water run while scrubbing the dishes — sinks have a stopper for a reason. If you prefer to use the dishwasher instead, only run it when it’s entirely full. Also, scrape dishes before putting them in. Doing so can save you up to 10 gallons of water a load, prevent clogs in your sink drain, and keep the garbage disposal from breaking.

Rethink How You Do Laundry

Although the laundry room is not used as much as the bathroom or kitchen, it is also a likely source of water waste. Homeowners should periodically check their washer hose for leaks, set their washers to the minimum amount of water needed per load, and always use the shortest wash cycle possible. Like with the dishwasher, never run the washer unless it’s a full load, and use a cold water cycle for most loads.