Water Well Maintenance Tips: DIY & When To Call In The Pros

Water Well Maintenance Tips: DIY & When To Call In The Pros

Homeowners and business owners love having a well because it means a certain level of independence. In line with that, many take pride in performing their DIY maintenance, which can help the well last longer and catch issues before they become big problems. However, it’s also important to know when DIY maintenance just doesn’t cut it. Follow these water well maintenance tips and schedule an appointment for everything else your well water system needs!

Inspect All Well Components

When it comes to catching issues early, your eyes and ears are the first lines of defense. Even if the well is on the newer side, you should routinely inspect all components to check for issues. Look for cracks or leaks around the well, pump, and tank. Also, be sure to listen for any unusual sounds that may indicate well pump repair is needed. If your system utilizes a hand pump, look for rust, worn nuts or bolts, and use food-grade lubrication to keep it working smoothly. 

Keep Records

Keeping records for any part of your property is a critical aspect of being a property owner, and it’s no less important for your well. Maintain a portfolio of notes, repair history, and any other pertinent information regarding your well. Even things that may seem innocuous, such as a change in water smell or taste should be documented. Not only does this help you keep track of changes, but you can also provide this insight to a well technician when the time comes for professional inspections or repairs.

Have Water Tested Annually

Speaking of a change in flavor or smell of the well water, it’s important to have your well tested right away if you notice any differences. Even with no changes, well water testing and treatment should be scheduled at least once a year to ensure the well isn’t contaminated, which can be caused by several factors that may go unnoticed.  

Mindful Property Care

When doing lawn maintenance, be sure to keep clear of the well as you might inadvertently cause damage with a lawnmower or weed whacker. You should also keep lawn clippings and leaves clear of the well system. If changing your landscaping, ensure that you keep the well at least a foot above the ground and a downward slope away from it. Be careful when using chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides, as these can seep into the groundwater and contaminate your well. 

Know Its Lifespan

A properly maintained well can last more than 20 years, but if you’re having issues with water pressure, sputtering, or anything else, it could indicate the well is past its prime or one of the components is breaking down. If the well is older than 20 years, you may require new well drilling. A certified water treatment company can inspect the well to determine the issue and how best to proceed.