Why Does My Well Pressure Tank Feel Empty?

Why Does My Well Pressure Tank Feel Empty?

If you have a private water well and notice issues with your well-pump pressure tank, you should take some time to investigate the problem further. Your well pump and well pressure tank can stop functioning properly for a wide range of reasons, but the most common reason your well pressure tank could feel empty is a lack of adequate water. Your well-pressure tank should feel empty at the top of the tank, as this is where the air is supposed to be.

Yet, if your well pump pressure tank feels empty and makes a hollow noise when you knock or tap on the bottom of the tank, there may be an issue. Here, expert technicians at our well repair company discuss common reasons why your well pressure tank may feel empty and what you can do about it. Contact North Florida Water Systems Inc today to request water well services for your private well!

The Setting On Your Pressure Tank Is Too Low

If your well pressure tank feels empty, the first thing to do is check the water pressure settings. The level at which your water pressure tank produces water pressure depends on the range of pressure on the tank. The tank should be set within the range recommended by your tank's manufacturer.

Both manual and digital pressure gauges are available and may be used to measure the tank's pressure level. Look for the pressure range for your specific system inside the pressure switch cover. If guidelines are absent, you might consider contacting the manufacturer or calling a well water company, such as North Florida Water Systems Inc, for further assistance.

Faulty Water Pressure Regulator Or Pressure Switch

If the setting on your water pressure tank is within the range you have measured the pressure, and there is no issue with the pressure reading, then you should check the well pressure regulator and water pressure switch to see if these may be the source of the issue with your system. If there is an issue with the water pressure regulator, you might not notice it, as even a faulty component can give way to a surprise increase in water pressure.

A pressure gauge is the best way to check the water pressure regulator. If the pressure switch is faulty, it won’t properly alert the system that it needs to pump water into the tank, causing the system to cycle on and off too often or maybe not at all. These well water problems can be easily identified and managed by a water well specialist.

Defective Water Well Pump Or Power Outages

If you’ve checked the water pressure switch in your system and determined this pressure tank component works as it should, your water well pump could be at the root of the issue. Because well pumps rely on electricity to work, if there are power outages, if the connection or wires connecting it to the pump are damaged or burned, or if they overheat, the pump won’t work properly.

This can cause your water pressure tank to feel as though it is empty because, due to the lack of power or an issue with the connection, the pump won’t be able to supply an adequate amount of water to the system. If your water well pump fails or works ineffectively because it has reached the end of its functional lifespan or there are damaged or worn-out components in the system, it won’t efficiently and effectively provide water to the pressure tank.

Your Water Well Requires Repair

The best way to determine if your water well requires maintenance or repair is with the help of experienced well experts. In a private well, water is pumped into the tank right from the well. If the pressure tank is empty, it could indicate issues with the plumbing system, electricity consumption, water quality, and/or the presence of too much silt in the system and water.

The following include signs of an empty pressure tank, indicating problems directly from the well.

  • Faucets that spit out a greater amount of air than water.
  • The presence of sediment or other debris in running water.
  • A substantial change in the quality of the water.
  • Continuous off-and-on cycling of the water pump.
  • Higher-than-normal monthly utility bills.

How Our North Florida Water Well Company Can Help

Your water pressure tank might appear or feel empty for a variety of reasons. Identifying the causes can help you understand the root cause of the issue and what you can do to fix it. Yet, even for property owners who have prior experience with a private well, if their well pressure tank feels empty or even if the cause is identified but a solution is out of grasp, we recommend consulting one of our well service repair technicians to properly assess the situation, identify any issues, and remediate the problem. North Florida Water Systems Inc offers high-quality water well service, maintenance, repairs, and installation services for a well system that works effectively and efficiently.